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- MasterClass August
- If our last scheduled look at ARexx for a while (stop
- cheering at the back of the class!) it's probably a good
- idea for us to examine the various ways of testing and
- debugging programs and scripts.
- Even the best programmers in the world write programs with
- bugs in them: even me. The knack is to reduce the number and
- severity of the bugs to acceptable levels. It's extremely
- dangerous to pronouce a program is 100% bug free.
- ARexx is a forgiving and flexible language, and will make a
- good stab at pointing out any of your most common mistakes.
- ARexx also includes some excellent debugging tools for
- really getting to grips with your programs and killing the
- bugs. (Hey! Did this language really come free with my
- Amiga?)
- Common Errors
- Prevention is always better than cure, and so it's
- worthwhile looking at the most common mistakes upfront
- rather than trying to debug them after they have been typed
- in. Common mistakes are:
- * Forgetting to start RexxMast. If RexxMast isn't present,
- then ARexx scripts cannot be run. Make sure you have copied
- it from your Workbench Extras disk.
- * Trying to run a script with the wrong name. You can run an
- ARexx script from the Shell with the "RX" command. RX must
- be followed by the full name of the program, although if the
- program name ends in ".REXX" you can leave this part out.
- * If no matter what you type to start the ARexx program, it
- keeps returning "Program Not Found" it could be because you
- have left out the comment at the start of the program. All
- ARexx programs must begin with /* and */ at the very start.
- * Sometimes ARexx seems to totally ignore commands in the
- script. For example, although Arexx uses the command "SAY"
- to display text you might accidentally use "PRINT" instead.
- ARexx will simply ignore this. However, if you use "ECHO" it
- will work. What's going on? If you use PRINT ARexx thinks
- you are using a command from another Host. Unless you happen
- to have a program called "print.rexx" present, nothing will
- happen. However, when you use Echo text is displayed,
- because by default ARexx will let AmigaDOS have a bash and
- recognising commands, and of course Echo is a valid AmigaDOS
- command.
- * All the commands following an IF/THEN clause are not
- executed. Let's say you are testing a variable and want
- ARexx to perform some actions, like this:
- IF score>highscore THEN
- SAY "New high score!"
- highscore=score
- Can you spot the bug? After a THEN, only one statement will
- be executed which means the statement "highscore=score" will
- always be executed. The correct form is:
- IF score>highscore THEN
- DO
- SAY "New high score!"
- highscore=score
- as this packets up the statements into one DO clause.
- * Keep getting "Arithmetic Conversion errors"? This program
- may look OK at first glance, but it will crash out with the
- arithmetic error. (error.iff)
- /* Whoops!*/
- x=y+10
- say x
- The problem is that by default all variables are defined to
- containt their own name. This means that the variable Y does
- not contain a number (you might expect the value "0") and
- instead contains the string "Y". When you try and add a
- string to a number you get an error. Do it this way instead:
- /* Better! */
- y=0
- x=y+10
- say x
- * Other sorts of errors can be harder to detect. For
- example, your script may contain a "logic error" in that
- your code is perfect, but what your reasoning is flawed. The
- program is not bugged as such, you are! ARexx still makes it
- easier to find these flaws too, as we'll see.
- Stamping on bugs!
- A good way to find out what your program is currently up to
- is to include "SAY" commands at various points in the
- program. For example, if your program is quite large and
- uses a lot of functions, it might be a good idea to include
- SAY at the begin and end of each function. You can use the
- SAY simply to indicate which of the program is actually
- executing, or you can use SAY to display the current value
- of a variable.
- It can also be a good idea to make the SAY conditional, so
- that you can switch the message on and off:
- if debug=1 then say "Function Zog Started"
- You can control the printing of messages by setting "debug"
- to 1 or 0 at the start of the script.
- However, this is nothing new and in fact ARexx can do it
- pretty much automatically, thanks to the TRACE command. At
- any point in your program you can include the line TRACE ALL
- to switch on special trace output, and then TRACE NORMAL to
- switch it back on. Like this:
- /* Tracing Example */
- say "This is an example.."
- do a=1 to 5
- b=a*10
- end
- trace all
- do a=6 to 10
- b=a*10
- end
- trace normal
- This creates output like this:
- This is an example..
- 9 *-* do a=6 to 10;
- 10 *-* b=a*10;
- 11 *-* end;
- 9 *-* do a=6 to 10;
- 10 *-* b=a*10;
- 11 *-* end;
- 9 *-* do a=6 to 10;
- 10 *-* b=a*10;
- 11 *-* end;
- 9 *-* do a=6 to 10;
- 10 *-* b=a*10;
- 11 *-* end;
- 9 *-* do a=6 to 10;
- 10 *-* b=a*10;
- 11 *-* end;
- 9 *-* do a=6 to 10;
- 12 *-* trace normal;
- (trace.iff -- Let ARexx show you what's happening with the
- Trace command)
- Up until the Trace command, nothing happens. However, after
- it the display contains the line number of the script,
- followed by the statement currently being executed. This
- allows you to see which lines in your program are being
- processed. Remember, if the text whizzes off your screen too
- quickly to see you can redirect it. For example, if the
- program is called "plop.rexx", run it like this:
- rx plop > ram:debug
- This will sent the output of the program to a file called
- "debug" in the Ram disk where you can peruse it at your
- leisure.
- Indidentally, you can use TRACE with several options instead
- of FULL such as "RESULTS", which will also display the value
- of any expressions calcutated. Use "INTERMEDIATE" if you
- want a lot of extra information too.
- Sometimes these debugging methods can be confusing,
- especially if your program already prints to the screen. For
- this reason, ARexx can open a new window especially for
- trace output. All you have to do is enter
- at the shell. This stands for "Trace Console Open" and it
- will open a new window. This window will display all the
- output generate by TRACE. You can close the window by
- entering
- which stands for "Trace Console Close".
- tco.iff
- If asked nicely, ARexx will open up a new window for the
- display of all trace output.
- If you want to be able to control how the trace operates
- whilst the program is running, use another TRACE option such
- as this:
- trace ?all
- which puts the Trace into a special interactive mode. Now
- the program will halt after every command with a prompt. You
- can either continue to the next instruction by pressing
- return, or enter legitimake ARexx commands. For example,
- you could end SAY to check on the contents of a variable. Or
- switch off the interactive mode by typing:
- trace ?
- at the prompt again. You can also enter a number which
- causes that many commands to be ignored. This is especially
- useful when dealing with large loops.
- The end
- And that's about it! If there are any specific ARexx
- questions you which to ask, or if you have any suggestions
- for future MasterClass topics, please get in touch either
- via the CU address of via email. The email address is
- johnk@infosys2.thegap.com, and my Web site is
- http://www.webzone1.co.uk/www/johnk
- Box out: Good news for ARexx fans!
- Last month there was excellent news for graphics users with
- a penchant for ARexx, as it was announced that new versions
- of both the Photogenics art package and the Imagine
- rendering software are to include ARexx support.
- For Photogenics this means the ability "batch process" large
- numbers of files, as well as define custom built commands.
- Imagine users will have the ability to create new object
- tools and have an extraordinary degree of control over
- animations. With some ARexx scripts it would be possible to
- control the position and shape of Imagine objects
- mathematically -- let me at it!